Lately, I´m lost. What else is new? I set regular hours at the coop, 8:30 to 11 a.m. It gets me out of bed in the morning and gives me a little direction. My podcast is finally up! My radio show is pressing on every week. For me, I think, the key to my sanity is to do my own thing, and do it regularly, and not look behind me to see if anyone is following.
I spoke with this woman yesterday, after walking past her house and stopping to take her picture. ¨Revy´a nde rogape?¨she asked me. Are you happy in your house?
That is one thing I must say I am so thankful for. I love the family next door. I call the mother, Conchena, ¨che sy¨, my mom. I lucky for all the moms I have. My real mom whose voice lights up my day, even over Skype. My half mom, Jeri. My Paraguayan mom, Conchena.
Every day I come home from the co-op at 11. I drink terere with Oscar, then the food is ready. Sometimes I just go home and make something. But other times we play this game. She says, Are you going to stay? I say ¨Is there enough?¨ She says ¨Of course.¨I begrudgingly take a seat at the table, as if I wasn´t hoping she´d ask anyway. Her home cooking is far better than my sandwiches.
Every day a white dog waits outside the open kitchen door, and we throw him the scraps and bones. I say, ¨Dios se lo pague, ¨ a form of Thank you, and I go home to read or rest. In the afternoon I have my radio show, a coop meeting, making my podcast or whatever else that could happen in Paraguay.
I discovered that the house across the street, where all the boys hang out, is really a little arcade. It´s just three tvs and three Playstation 2s, with pirated games with names like NedforSpide. I´ve been playing Rally with the Guys. I really want them to get a Wii.
My group of friends is mostly guys. I can´t hide it, even in this gender-divided culture. I love male culture. The crude jokes, the laughing, the honesty. I hope it doesn´t look bad.
That´s all for now.
Our web site!
I made the co-op a web site, just to do something. They liked it so much they didn´t even look at it. Asi es. (That´s how it goes)
I plan on making an English-language version soon.
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